- Purpose: UtilityCloud is committed to respecting and promoting human rights and maintaining decent working conditions in all aspects of our business. This policy is designed to ensure that our actions and decisions align with international standards for human rights and best practices in the workplace.
- Non-discrimination: We will not tolerate discrimination based on race, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, disability, or any other protected ground. All employees shall be treated fairly and equally in all aspects of their work.
- Working conditions: We are committed to providing safe and healthy working conditions for all employees. This includes compliance with relevant health and safety standards, as well as providing adequate training and equipment to perform the job safely.
- Working hours and wages: We will comply with applicable laws and regulations regarding working hours and wages, including payment of minimum wage and overtime where applicable. We will not tolerate unfair or illegal wages, and we will ensure that all employees receive fair compensation for their work.
- Child labor: We will not use or support the use of child labor in any part of our business or supply chain. We will comply with all laws and regulations regarding child labor, and we will collaborate withauthorities and other stakeholders to combat child labor.
- Freedom of association: We respect the right of our employees to organize trade unions or other forms of collective bargaining. We will not discriminate or retaliate against employees for exercising this right, and we will cooperate constructively with trade unions and other employee representatives.
- Suppliers and business partners: We expect our suppliers and business partners to also respect human rights and maintain decent working conditions. We will actively work with our suppliers to ensure they meet our standards and expectations.
- Reporting and monitoring: We encourage all employees to report any concerns or breaches of this policy to management or the HR department. We will establish mechanisms to monitor and evaluate compliance with this policy, and we will take steps to address any breaches that occur.
- Continuous improvement: We will continuously evaluate and improve our practices and policies related to human rights and working conditions. We will seek input from employees, stakeholders, and experts to ensure that we maintain the highest standards in all aspects of our business.
This policy is an integral part of our business practices, and all employees are expected to act in accordance with it. Management will actively support the implementation of this policy and will be responsible for ensuring that it is understood and complied with at all levels of the organization.
Last review: 3. May 2024